May 28, 2009

Hello Baby Giraffe

My best friend Lisa gave me some of the cutest jungle stamps for my birthday! The other day, I finally got a chance to pull them out and play with them. Ü

The little giraffes are so cute! I couldn't resist putting a little glitter on their spots. Ü The zebra stripes on the scalloped circle were a fortunate accident. Ü lol. Fit right in with the little jungle theme (savanna . . . whatever. Ü)

Anyways - I think it turned out pretty cute!


Lisa said...

Those are the cutest cards I've ever seen! I'm going to start getting you all sorts of stuff so you'll give me the cute cards you make!; )

Katrina said...

Lol! Ü well you did say you were looking for some cards that you could give to new neighbors . . . Ü I think these fit the bill perfectly! I think I'm gonna make a whole bunch and give one to my neighbor with some giraffe poops. (butterscotch cornflake cookies) Ü